Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Me and Mr Darcy by Alexandra Potter

This is the first book in a really long time that I've read for consecutive days! It is gorgeously written. Potter meticulously parallels the love journey of Pride and Prejudice's lovers with her protaganists'. At the same time, she entwines the science of time-warps into it, as a lesson for the female protaganist, both in the character of Mr Darcy and in the authoress Jane Austen herself. It does get creepy as the female protaganist seeks to rationalise the subject of time-warps in her mind, and finds that there is no logical explanation for her experiences, even for me as a vicarious reader.

There is also a part where Pride and Prejudice the classic is in danger of being made extinct before its completion, but of course, this is just to provide the thrills for us readers. This particular part alludes to the book Seducing Mr Darcy, except that instead of the story coming to life, that book puts the protaganist into the world of fiction.

As a female reader, I understand her strong message which is conveyed through
the thoughts of her female protaganist. Mr Darcy is not as perfect as we women think. The era he came from conditioned his extremely conservative behaviour towards relationships and his chauvinistic attitudes towards women. It is better to leave him out of reality and not compare the men around us to him. The modern world has its advantages and so do its men.

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