Thursday, April 28, 2011

Disappointment in Andie Chen's perspective

After winning the award of the male celebrity who swears the most on Twitter, he gave an interview. He does not seem to disapprove of spewing vulgarities and takes it as a form of self-expression. That is merely an excuse. Self-expression can occur in more civilized ways. He also feels that it is something natural not to be repressed. Language in itself, is man made and so I dispute this particular opinion too.

He may claim that it does not hurt people but I believe it does influence them towards uncouth and unrefined language and manners. Hence, it injures their intellect and cultured-ness. He seems quite arrogant in thinking that no one has the right to tell him not to do something. Somehow it seems to be a rebuttal towards his management who told him to practise caution in his expressions. He feels too that he is showing his real self by this. A person's real self is what is natural in him. The language he uses is what he has acquired, a contradiction! What appalls me is that he feels he is a positive influence on people. Gawk! Yes, he may live in a good way but good language is part of this too.

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