Sunday, March 1, 2009

Beautiful Girl(2003)

This movie redefines beauty through a plump beauty queen contestant. Her beauty comes out in her confidence, her love for the children she teaches, her singing talent and her compassion towards a rival contestant despite being scoffed at. She becomes a role model for her rival and inspires her to stand up against her mother for forcing her to participate in beauty pageants. Her beauty even causes her to edge out her fellow contestants to win one of the top places in the contest.

In the process of exemplifying lasting beauty, she does fall prey to the empty perception of beauty. Dyeing her hair blond is one of the things she does to be conventionally beautiful. She almost loses herself and her loved ones while getting carried away in her preparations for the pageant. She manages to find herself again just before the contest and asks for forgiveness from her fiance.

Her mother also initially believes that she can never win the pageant due to her lack of conventional beauty and does not share her joy in having gotten the opportunity to participate. However, she slowly realises the error of her ways and gives her utmost support to her daughter at the pageant.

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