Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Amazing Race 10 and Asia 1

There are a few pairs of contestants that really repulse me or inspire me in the way they play this game.

Godwin and Edwin Cho actually lived by the alliance they formed with the Alabama team and the coal miner team, helping them and even waiting for them to leave together, even though they themselves had finished their tasks. Unfortunately, the Alabama team undermined this alliance by saying not so nice things about it behind the brothers' backs. They found it troublesome because they had to follow the brothers who were not sure about the directions to a place.

An alliance is somewhat like a friendship and when someone's flaws are made apparent, the person should still be accepted for who he is. Obviously, the Alabama team doesn't know what the true meaning of an alliance is. I'm not going to cheer for them to win the million dollars anymore. I was actually a little glad that the beauty queens yielded them in the chariot race. They are actually in the top three teams, according to the latest episode. I really don't want them to win the game. One of them still had the cheek to say that they are different from the other two teams because they have "heart". If they really do, they wouldn't have verbally broken the alliance with the Chos. Anyway, the models won eventually and the Alabama team came in last. Yes!

Sharon and Melody exhibited the qualities of perseverance, support and understanding in their friendship, especially when they had to search for a small surf souvenir in tonnes of sand. Sharon didn't think of giving up at all and Melody didn't question her decision. Of course, there were other teams which exhibited such qualities as well. These four teams chose to fight it out to the very end and the joy of finding the souvenir eventually was evident on their faces.

Audrey and Jacqueline used their looks and flirtatious ways to play the game. The fact that they defended their actions as "...to have fun...playing around because we were bored and tired...boys liked it..." makes them seem even more detestable. One can ask for directions without flirting in the process. This made it seem as if they didn't even use their own real efforts to play the game.

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