Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Fairy's Kiss concert

I was privileged enough to attend this concert which showcased Min Lee, our very own musician, as one of the participants. There were also Albert Tiu as the pianist, Holly Carr as the artist as well as a Welsh story-teller and an American emcee.

The story-teller was absolutely enthralling in his narrations and he delighted even the children in the audience. He told the story of a Greek myth and this brought a big smile on my face. I love Greek mythology. He also told a narrative comprising of illogical juxtapositions, which brought out lots of laughter from the people. Even though my first encounter with a Welsh did hamper my understanding of his speech due to his accent, this story-teller was comprehensible in his speech.

I've a passion for music as well and Min Lee was the centre of my focus. Her music was evocative and deep, bringing out questions towards it in the recesses of my mind. She was playing based on the stories told during the hour-long concert. Some famous stories were Orpheus and Euricedes, as well as Faust. She also played to the title story of the concert - The Fairy's Kiss and Dance of the Goblins. She put in different perspectives towards their sterotypical associations.

I emailed her my questions and she is not only pretty and talented, but also contemplative and easy to talk to. I enjoyed our exchanges. I'm glad I went for this event. :) The price was definitely worth paying.

Unfortunately, my experience was marred by some irreverent and inconsiderate members of the audience who were really youths. Though they dressed more formally than their usual outfits, their behaviour was unbecoming and disrupting. They were told off gently twice by the ushers but it was only a mother's admonishment that quietened them down. Hooligans! The emcee actually asked them if they wanted to go on stage to sing due to their noise, and they have been to a concert before! They sat very near me unfortunately. I was rather annoyed by them.

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