Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Plastic surgery - does it really last?

Yang Min, a student in China, went through extensive plastic surgery on almost her entire body in order to look like Vicki Zhao. She is not at a more senior age, when such ladies use surgery to regain their youthful looks. She seems to be dissatisfied with her own looks. She doesn't look deformed, to be frank. There are people worse off than her. Well, I hope this surgery has helped her inferiority complex to dissipate.

Mediacorp showed a programme called Extreme Makeover. This programme gives selected people the chance to go through a free makeover comprising of plastic surgery, dental surgery, hair styling, makeup and a suitable outfit. The pain they endure while recovering from the operations seem to be worth it for them when their final look is revealed.

I've a couple of questions though. Will the look last for all time or is there a need to go for regular follow-ups to maintain it? Perhaps then, the expenses will be incurred by the people themselves? Also, doesn't this emphasis on external appearances undermine the real beauty hidden within every person?

There was a follow-up programme called the Swan, where all the participants took part in a beauty contest to determine which one had the "best" makeover. The dejected faces of those who were eliminated caused indignance within me. They were more beautiful after going through the makeover and a mere contest incorporating subjective judgements made them lose their innate confidence all over again. They were back to square one.

Was the beauty pageant even necessary in the first place?

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